I’m starting a new series on my YouTube channel covering Economic Lessons from Movies. I have seven different videos set to drop in this series and am excited about what’s upcoming. (Eventually there will be more but I don’t think it will happen right away. These were created mostly over the summer and my work schedule this semester is pretty insane.)
The first video in the series examines the 1997 movie Contact, starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. In it, she boards a pod to reach beings from another galaxy. The design plan works beautifully as long as the government doesn’t try to put restrictions in there. Naturally the government does insert restrictions, however, and the restrictions cause pain and suffering.
I think this is a great metaphor for the restrictions the government places on free markets in many ways, and in this video I focus mainly on rent control. Watch the YouTube video for the full clip, but for a teaser you can watch the clip below.