There are thousands of universities in the world that offer a business degree. If you’re looking at colleges and want to study business, how do you find the school that’s right for you?
There are many great business schools, but they offer different features and you should think carefully about your choice. This article and accompanying video are designed to help you.
Here is a list of questions that I recommend you ask of business schools you are considering. These should help you in your search process.
Does the school have AACSB Accreditation?
AACSB Accreditation is the most prestigious and sends a signal of quality.
Does the school have the majors you might want?
This is trickier than you might think - keep in mind that many students change majors during their college career
What are the job placement rates?
In an obvious statement, you want to make sure you can get a good job after you graduate.
What is the school’s graduation rate?
Another obvious statement: you want to make sure most students graduate from the program - and in four years.
What high impact opportunities does the school offer?
They should have some “wow” features. If not, look for another school.
Are students admitted into the business school right away?
Some business schools won’t allow freshman or sophomores to be officially considered business majors and may exclude dozens - or hundreds/thousands - who wish to study business.
What are the class sizes?
In my opinion, smaller is better
How good is the alumni network?
These can be key to opportunities during college and after you graduate.
What’s special about the school?
If you enroll, there should be special features that can help you defend your choice of a business school to potential employers.
For more on each of these nine, I elaborate in this video.