What is money? It’s a fundamental question that most people, thankfully, don’t have to think about often. But we get the chance to discuss the topic through this clip from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Watto refuses to take Qui-Gon's Republic Credits, saying they are "no good here". Why is Watto refusing this form of money? Or, are Republic Credits not really money? In this video we discuss what is needed for something to serve as money and explore why Republic Credits might not really be money.
In this video, I am again joined by Dr. Ben Smith, economist at the University of Nebraska-Omaha.
We go through a few main topics in this short video, including:
Republic credits fail to function as valid currency in certain regions, highlighting how money must have perceived value and acceptance to serve as a medium of exchange.
Characteristics of Money: the fundamental aspects of money are that it has durability, portability, acceptance, and stability as a store of value.
How are Republic Credits similar to cryptocurrency?
And more!